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A series of images from the UAB Archives


Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences, Emmett B. Carmichael Collection, 1859-1990, MC51
Alabama Physicians Biographical Collection, 1880-1985, MC30
Alabama Regional Medical Program, John M. Packard Records and Files, 1967-1991, MC62
Alabama State League for Nursing Education Collection, 1919-1927, MC50
Bannerman, Moss McBride, Papers, ca. 1900, MC71
Barker, Samuel B., Papers, 1923-2002, MC70
Benoit, William L., Presidential Campaign Collection, 1912-2004, MC136
Birmingham and Alabama Material from the Memorial Gay and Lesbian Collection, 1977- (on-going), MC135
Birmingham Regional Health Planning Commission Records, 1966-1982, MC35
Boulware, Tom M., Collection, 1926-1991, MC33
Boyd, William, Pathology for the Physician, Manuscript, 1958, MC58
Braungart, Dale C., Papers, 1933-1934, MC95
Bridgers, William F., Papers, 1965-2000, MC116
Brown, Jerry William, Papers, 1898-1994, MC52
Caldwell, Edwin V., Collection, 1918-1980, MC48
Caldwell, Hale Albert, Student Notebooks, 1916-1917, MC68
Caldwell, Lily May, Papers, 1910-1983, MC15
Caldwell, Tom O., Papers, 1927-1999, MC108
Calhoun, F. Phinizy, Collection, 1966-1997, MC129
Carmichael, Emmett B., Papers, 1852-1984: Bulk 1950-1984, MC113

Carmichael, Emmett B., Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences Collection, 1859-1990, MC51
Carter, William C., Papers, 1893-2005: Bulk 1978-1998, MC122
Class of 1949 (Medical School) Collection, 1936-1999, MC112
Coley, John S., Le Roman de Thebes: The Story of Thebes Manuscript, 1986, MC43
Community Health Planning Commission Records, 1967-1975, MC54
Community Salute to Charles A. McCallum Videotape, 1993, MC21
Computing at UAB Project Research Files, History of, 1967-1993, MC14
Crookes, William, Collection, 1903, MC88


Denny, Linna Hamilton, Scrapbook, 1890-1957, MC76
Dentistry, School of, Women's Club Scrapbooks, 1956-1967, MC60
Department of Medicine Biographical Collection, 1950-1989, MC31
Douglas, Gilbert F., Student Notebooks, 1906-1917, MC92
Eaves, George, Scrapbook, 1913-1938, MC38
Edwards, W. Sterling, Manuscript, What Does My Life Mean?, 2000, MC133
Elliott, Glenda R., UAB Safe Zone Collection, 2000-2012, MC132
Fearn, Thomas, Collection, 1999, MC131
Ferguson, Burr, Papers, 1919-1940, MC27
Ferguson Family Papers, 1897-1920, MC118
Football, UAB Division I-A Press Conference Videotape, 1994, MC25
Forssgren, Ernest A., Papers, 1922-1965, MC124


Garmon, Clyde N., Papers, 1911-1914, MC80
Gay and Lesbian Collection of Birmingham and Alabama Material, 1977-(on-going), MC135
Haden, Hugh H., Papers, 1956-1967, MC64
Harden, Dr., Medical Notebook, 1890, MC06
Harrison, Tinsley R., Collection, 1930-1987, MC07
Harrison, Tinsley R., Papers, 1939-1978, MC03
Harrison, William Groce, Memoirs, 1955, MC08
Hart, Dorothy E., Papers, 1942-1976, MC105
Hatcher, James F., Papers, 1903-1993, MC16
Health Department, Jefferson County, Scrapbooks (Microfilm), 1923-1959, MC32
Health Organizations Collection, 1880-1967, MC29
Health Planning Commission Records, Birmingham Regional, 1960-1980, MC35
Health Planning Commission Records, Community, 1967-1975, MC54
Heldman, Max, Original Drawings of The First Forty Years, 1987, MC83
Hereford, Sonnie W., III, Papers, 1950-2006, MC127
Hill, Lister, Certificates, Plaques, and Artifacts, 1915-1980, MC97
Hill, Luther Leonidas, Dedication of Medical Library Collection Scrapbook, 1947, MC57
Hill, Luther Leonidas, Papers, 1880-1945, MC56
Hill, S. Richardson, Papers, 1938-1991, MC04
Hill, S. Richardson, Videotape Collection, 1987-1991, MC26
Hillman Hospital Collection, 1897-1934, MC39
Hillman Hospital Interns Collection, 1927, MC18
History of Computing at UAB Project Research Files, 1967-1993, MC14
History of Medicine Research Files of Howard Holley, 1859-1979, MC19
History of UAB Medical Center and Dr. Harry Lee Jackson, Videotape, 1992, MC23
Hixson, Florence A., Papers, 1939-1989, MC49
Hixson, Florence A., University of Alabama School of Nursing 1950-1970, Manuscript, 1984, MC101
Holley, Howard, History of Medicine & Medical College of Alabama Research Files, 1859-1979, MC19
Holmes, Jack David Lazarus, Papers, 1944-1990, MC134
Holt, Rebecca Agnew, Papers, 1925-1989, MC99
Hospital, University Hospital Historical Collection, 1886-1965, MC28
Hospital, University Hospital School of Nursing Ledger, 1905-1969, MC59
Howard, Paul S., Oral History Interview Collection, MC24
Hunt, Eleanor Abrams and Thomas E. Hunt Papers, 1861-1983, MC41
Hunt, Thomas E. and Eleanor Abrams Hunt Papers, 1861-1983, MC41
International Organization for Mycoplasmology Records, 1898- , MC63
Jackson, Dr. Harry Lee and History of UAB Medical Center, Videotape, 1992, MC23
Jefferson County Health Department Scrapbooks (Microfilm), 1923-1959, MC32
Jefferson County Medical Society Archives Reprint Files, MC53
Jefferson County Medical Society/UAB Health Sciences Archives Scrapbooks, 1953-1977, MC55
Jenner, Edward, Letter, undated (circa 1817-1820), MC85


Keynton, Rachel, Papers, MC109
Kimbrough, Thomas G., Collection, MC106
Klapper, Margaret Strange, Papers, MC111
Kraus, Frederick W., Oral History Interview Videotape, 1994, MC36
Lanning, Joyce, Papers, 1970s, MC37
Le Roman de Thebes: The Story of Thebes, Manuscript by John S. Coley, 1986, MC43
Les idees d'un maitre d'ecole [The Ideas of a Schoolmaster], Manuscript by George Sand, 1872, MC121
Lister, Joseph, Letters, 1887-1904, MC77
Loeb Family, Papers, 1892-1982, MC125
Lokey, Charles W., Sr., Papers, 1913-1954, MC73
Lyons, Champ, and Lyons Family Papers, 1930-1999, MC114
MacElvain, Julie, Scrapbook, 1946, MC20
McCall, Daniel, Papers, 1913-1979, MC02
McCall, Samuel V., Dental Student Lecture Notes, 1929-1932, MC72
McCallum, Charles A., Community Salute to, Videotape, 1993, MC21
McLester, James Somerville, Scrapbook, 1934-1954, MC78
McSpadden, Jack D., Papers, 1967-1971, MC40
Medical Center UAB and Dr. Harry Lee Jackson, History of, Videotape, 1992, MC23
Medical College of Alabama Lecture Cards, George F. Wilson Collection, 1885-1889, MC74
Medical College of Alabama Research Files of Howard Holley, 1859-1979, MC19
Medical Fraternity, Phi Chi Scrapbook, 1946-1952, MC17
Medical Library Collection of Luther Leonidas Hill, Dedication Scrapbook, 1947, MC57
Medical School Class of 1949 Collection, 1936-1999, MC112
Medical Society, Jefferson County Medical Society Archives Reprint Files, MC53
Medicine, Deans of, Records, 1914-1928, MC107
Medicine, Department of, Biographical Collection, 1950-1989, MC31
Medicine, School of, Alumni Weekend Videotape, 1988, MC34
Medicines, Bill for Services and, Dr. R. B. Starks, 1823, MC69
Memoirs of World War I Manuscript by Lucius Lamar Terry, undated, MC103
Moseley, William Perkins, Notebooks, 1816-1817, MC102
Moss, Philip Ball, Papers, 1911-1916, MC100
Mycoplasmology, International Organization for, Records, 1898- , MC63


Niedermeier, William P., Papers, 1940-2001, MC115
Nursing, Alabama State League for Nursing Education Collection, 1919-1927, MC50
Nursing, University Hospital School of, Ledger, 1905-1969, MC59
Oh Lectureship in Neuromuscular Disease Scrapbook, 1982-2005, MC91
Osler, William, Letter, 1919, MC86
Packard, John M., Alabama Regional Medical Program Records and Files, 1967-1991, MC62
Pathology for the Physician, William Boyd Manuscript, 1958, MC58
Peters, Henry B., Papers, 1940-1997, MC104
Phi Chi Medical Fraternity Scrapbook, 1946-1952, MC17
Physicians, Alabama, Biographical Collection, 1880-1985, MC30
Pittman, James A., Collection, 1993, MC13
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Southeastern Society of, Archives, 1958- , MC65
Presidential Camaign Collection of William L. Benoit, 1912-2004, MC136
Proust, Marcel, Letters, 1900s-1920s, MC123
Pugh, Martha E., Medical Student Notebooks, 1960-1964, MC120


Reynolds Historical Library Collection, 1920-1988, MC42
Reynolds Historical Library Collection of Audiovisuals, 1960-1995, MC61
Reynolds, John A., Notebook, 1860s, MC89
Reynolds, Lawrence, Papers, 1845-1961, MC87
Rosser, Camilla Linn, Papers, 1926-1977, MC119
Rush, Benjamin, Letter, 1797, MC90
Salter, Clarence L., Scrapbooks, 1907-1976, MC46
Sand, George, Les idees d'un maitre d'ecole [The Ideas of a Schoolmaster], Manuscript, 1872, MC121
School of Medicine Alumni Weekend Videotape, 1988, MC34
School of Nursing, University Hospital, Ledger, 1905-1969, MC59
Shores, Anne Findley, Papers, 1950-1951, MC110
Sims, J. Marion, Letter, 1855, MC84
Smythies, John R., Collection, 1950-1998, MC130
Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons Archives, 1958- , MC65

Southern Surgical Association Archives, 1887- , MC66
Southside, UAB and Urban Renewal, Joyce Thomas Oral History Interview, 1993, MC22
Spies Nutrition Clinic Collection, 1937-1967, MC05
Sports, UAB Intercollegiate Sports Program Scrapbooks, 1974-1979, MC67.
Starke, Robert Bolling, Bill for Services and Medicine, 1823, MC69.
Sterne, Mervyn H., and Sterne Family Papers, 1938-1974, MC128.
Surgeons, Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive, Archives, 1958- , MC65
Surgical, Southern Surgical Association, Archives, 1887- , MC66


Teague, Robert Sterling, Papers, 1892-1979, MC12
Terry, Lucius Lamar, Memoirs of World War I Manuscript, undated, MC103
Thomas, Joyce, Oral History Interview on UAB, Urban Renewal and Southside, 1993, MC22
Though He Falters, Manuscript by McClellan "Ted" Van der Veer, undated, MC96
Toole Family Papers, 1834-2000, MC126
UAB Archives Oral History Interview Collection, 1950-1995, MC45
UAB Archives Videotape Collection, 1983-1998, MC44
UAB Archives Health Sciences/Jefferson County Medical Society Scrapbooks, 1953-1977, MC55
UAB Computing Project Research Files, 1967-1993, MC14
UAB Day of History Collection, 1983-1986, MC93
UAB Distinguished Faculty Lecture: Celebrating 50 Years Scrapbook, 1964-2013, MC117
UAB Division I-A Football Press Conference Videotape, 1994, MC25
UAB Event Posters, 1973-1998, MC98
UAB Health Sciences/Jefferson County Medical Society Archives Scrapbooks, 1953-1977, MC55
UAB Intercollegiate Sports Program Scrapbooks, 1974-1979, MC67.
UAB Medical Center History and Dr. Harry Lee Jackson, Videotape, 1992, MC23
UAB Safe Zone Collection of Glenda R. Elliott, 2000-2012, MC132
UAB University College Scrapbook, 1964-1972, MC79
UAB Urban Renewal and Southside Community, Joyce Thomas Oral History Interview, 1993, MC22
University Hospital Historical Collection, 1886-1965, MC28
University Hospital School of Nursing Ledger, 1905-1969, MC59
University of Alabama Collection, 1937-1953, MC09
University of Alabama School of Dentistry, Women's Club Scrapbooks, 1956-1967, MC60
University of Alabama School of Nursing 1950-1970, Manuscript by Florence A. Hixson, 1984, MC101
Urban Renewal and Southside Community, Joyce Thomas Oral History Interview, 1993, MC22
Van der Veer, McClellan "Ted", Though He Falters Manuscript, MC96
Vaughn, Max E., Papers, 1934-1952, MC94
Volker, Joseph F., Oral History Interview, 1984, MC11
Volker, Joseph F., Oral History Interview Transcript, 1975, MC10
Volker, Joseph F., Papers, 1933-1989, MC01


Waldrop, Edwin G., Papers, 1946-1985, MC75
Welch, Samuel Wallace, Files, 1861-1928, MC47
Wilkerson, William Harrison, Papers, 1856-1882, MC81
Wilson, George F., Medical College of Alabama Lecture Cards, 1885-1889, MC74
Women's Club of the University of Alabama School of Dentistry Scrapbooks, 1956-1967, MC60

This page created 1999 and last updated by Tim L. Pennycuff on 10 October 2023.

Copyright:  The University of Alabama Board of Trustees

Mervyn H. Sterne Library

917 13th St S
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-6364

Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences

1700 University Blvd
Birmingham, AL

(205) 975-4821

Reynolds-Finley Historical Library

1700 University Blvd - 3rd Floor
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-4475

Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences

1700 University Blvd - 3rd Floor
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-4475

Lister Hill Library at University Hospital

615 18th Street S - P235 West Pavilion
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-2275

801 Building

801 5th Ave South
Room 1111
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-5432

J. Ellis Sparks Medical Library

301 Governors Drive SE - 3rd Floor
Huntsville, AL 35801

(256) 551-4405

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